Monday, April 25, 2005

My first review?

I THINK I got myfrist review Friday! I'm just not smart enough to know for sure. Check out the comment from 'Thought & Humor'!

I've Come to Save the World From Me!: Ominous Signs at the Periphery II

I did see the words "riveting" and "Harvard," so I think I am probably The Very and The Good!

Either way, I'd like to thank "Thought and Humor" for being thoughtful enough and humorous enough to complement the Me. Since no one else does. I hate all of you. Just kidding. I love both of you...I guess now I can say I love all three of you.

Now. Where are the rest of you? Who else will compliment me? Rise above the masses of Ye! That's it. Rise above the masses of Yeast!


shayne said...

shhhh...We know that, but my other readers may not. They may think some dude with some big words thinks I'm good. I figured he may be out trolling for traffic and looking for links back to his site, but I'm not falling for it....DOH!

Thank you, but it's nowhere near as good as your blog.

Girl With An Alibi said...

I just discovered the twin comment thing. I think you are right about him wanting us to track over to his blog but I don't understand his blog much more than his comments (lots of little quizzies and things.) But at least he got me to take out my dictionary. :-D