Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Couldn't Agree With Me More!

Here is another "expert" echoing my sermons from two years ago..

If any McBama supporters think either McCain or Obama will be more or less of a catalyst than the other, or than Clinton/Bush...

I assure you the Awakening will be quite Rude.

Wall Street's 'Disaster Capitalism for Dummies': 14 reasons Main Street loses big while Wall Street sabotages democracy

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thoughts II: Nothing Or NothingAde

I'm trying to remember my cures for blog block. I know where they are. I can go look them up and remind myself, but that would be the easy way out.

Not knowing what to write about is the perfect opportunity to write about not having anything to write about.

That, dear readers, is taking lemons and making lemonade. Or in this case, taking nothing and making nothingade.

Nothingade. Now there is an idea. I'm going to produce a new drink called nothingade. Let's call it NothingAde. See what I did? I capitalized the A to make it creative. Marketing campaigns love creativity, especially when it really has no substance. "NothingAde. Nothing is what you need, and it's full of Nothing."

I am definitely on the right track.

NothingAde will contain no artificial sweeteners or flavors. It's full of none of those things. It will contain no artificial colors. It will have even less of that. NothingAde will be all natural.

The difficult part of the marketing campaign will be convincing consumers that they need nothing. Let's face it, we all know we need something. If you don't believe me, watch TV. I found out just last night that I need pills to correct my ED and help me sleep. After I've slept though THAT, I'll need something in the morning to lower my blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. After breakfast, I'll need pills to raise my mood because I'm worried that all these meds are slowly turning me into a junkie....a very poor, vegetable-like junkie. And let's not forget we need electrolytes.

How dry I am.

It doesn't stop there. There are breaks in between all the advertisements for the stuff I didn't know I needed during which I can watch programs that consist almost entirely guessed it: Nothing.

So how do I convince the product-buying consumers that what they really need is nothing? Could I get some very pretty people wearing nothing and saying nothing and comment on how sexy they look? I could do the same thing, except use monkeys. Not just any monkeys. Sexy monkeys.

Let's take a few days to ponder this while I compose a post about sexy monkeys.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


The best thing about thoughts is that they vanish quickly. One second you have them. The next instant, they are gone.
For example, I had a thought that prompted me to open my word processor and begin typing. Now that said word processor is open and typing is under way, the aforementioned thought is no more. How is it that a thought so recent could disappear completely?

Sometimes you can trace you train of thoughts to a forgotten thought. If you can recall the last event before slipping into deep thought, you can work from the thought it triggered through the line of reasoning that lead you into this void.

This would be no issue if I could just let it go, but I'm just not that way. I find myself determined to recover the forgotten thought. I go searching frantically, tossing behind me the cushions of my mind, only to find loose change and corn nuts.

Have you ever tried any of the flavored corn nuts? There is ranch, picante and others. I think it is more marketing. "Hey, here is a new corn nut flavor. I'll by twelve bags to see how they taste!" Half-way through bag number four, I'm longing for regular old corn nuts.

We had to get an extra soda fountain at work. There were just too many flavors and flavor variations of soda that were previously unrepresented in our break rooms. If I want to kill several minutes, I go get a soda. It takes me 15 minutes to decide which soda I want, which turns out to be a completely successful waste of time. I return to my desk with my soda, take a few sips, and recall that I really don't like soda all that much. If something is going to be that harsh on my mouth, throat and stomach--the mixture of artificial sweetener with carbonation is like a hooker in church-- it better have alcohol in it.

When I was a kid, a hooker went to our church. I thought we were pretty lucky. Not every church has it's own woman-at-the-well, and we didn't even have a well! IF we did have a well, that would have been great! A religious hooker and very cold water. Now that's a good service.

Ahhh, that reminds me of why I started this post in the first place.

I had this thought that I lost and just can't recall what it was.

Monday, August 25, 2008

My Mind Is Losing Me

My Mind is Losing Me

Do you have have one of those days in which just can't figure out anything? Today is like that for me.

Nothing makes sense. I seem to be baffled by everything. I can't keep up. Furthermore, other than trying to figure out the nature of this phenomenon, I'm not all that interested in my inability to function as person who works somewhere. This must be what those soccer moms cruising Southlake Town Square feel like. If I could only convince myself that the world revolves around me and my BMW, I'd be at total peace....except for all these kids here dressed in grunge attite. I am SO over Grunge.

Killer is me.

What was that horrible noise? Anyway back to me.

I don't even remember what I was talking about, which brings my to my desired destination: A nice, short blog post about me.

Now, go in Peace.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I said 10-9-8!

Tell your friends who care not to worry. The market will bounce back tomorrow. Probably by the end of the day. Just like it did Tuesday.

When I say October, I mean October, dadgummit!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


The best apocalyptic predictions occur on catchy dates. We had 1/1/2000 and 6/6/6. We’ve got 11/11/11, and don’t forget to add 12/21/12 to your calendar. The world is going to end that day!

Not if I have anything to say about it.

My very own date of destruction is October 10, 2008.

10-9-8, according to my very accurate predictions, is the day the stock market will crash. October is a great month for market downturns. Thursdays are really nice for losing boatloads of cash! In case you haven’t bought food or gas in the past few months, 2008 seems to be a great year for some degree of financial woe.

Or is it Whoa!

Let’s go with woe.

We’ve got a perfect storm of various financial crisis building. Consult this list that I found on the internet at

- The housing market is in a slump. With the exception of where I live, it is getting worse all over the country.
- Those crazy CDOs. I would love to explain them here, but they are just entirely and utterly unfunny. Google Collateralized Debt Obligation, and see if don’t just not find humor. I dare you.
- The US dollar is at an all time low
- Stagflation. Prices are rising, but the economy is not growing.
- Consumer debt is at an all time high
- George Bush just can’t seem to pile up enough debt to China
- Other unfunny stuff

I really do prefer writing about funny things.

As a service to those whom are reading my blog, below you will find a handy countdown to the crash. Pull up this web page daily and watch the seconds pass by and bring us closer and close to doom! Hooray!

Please note that I am the first to make this prediction. If you see anyone out there stealing my shtick, please pass along that I am the genius who forecasted the second great depression. I’ll really be depressed if I don’t get credit for it!

I just realized this post isn’t very good.

Now go in peace.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My Answer to the Overcrowded Prisons Problem

2.6 million inmates in America.
1.6 million inmates in China.

China's population is about 4 times ours, yet they only have 70% of our inmate numbers. Sad.


Let's send our prisoners to China. China has an obvious prisoner shortage. Thinking of all that wasted prison space makes me sad. If the Chinese aren't all hung up on that slavery thing, perhaps we could trade human lives (they're prisoners, but according to Steve they're still human...[I disagree.]) to pay of some of the Trillions of dollars we owe them. (Thanks, George and Dick.) The prisoners could easily adapt. Communism and Socialism are pretty much the same thing as prison. Then the prisoners would have purpose in life: injecting lead into the toys of the children they'd otherwise be touching inappropriately!

Just think. If the Chinese could get free labor out of our prisoners, Wal Mart could go back to slashing prices!!! They'd bring back the flying yellow smiley face.

Friday, April 11, 2008

There is no longer any doubt...

There is no longer any doubt. I am the smartest human alive.

Please, please, do yourself a favor. Seek my advice before you do anything.

Now go in peace.

Monday, April 07, 2008


I’m SO glad Plato was here. Thanks to Plato, I can love the Idea of Big League Baseball without having to love Major League Baseball. I can go to a game and enjoy the park, the grass, the food the crowd and not mind so much that most of the players are spoiled, pampered babies who just don’t get it.

Thank you, Plato.

I bring this up because after seven years of not seeing a Major League Baseball game, I am going tomorrow. My home team’s opening day is tomorrow. I can’t wait for the mystique of Opening Day. It should be a nice day, if storms don’t destroy us all. I can’t wait for the crack of the bats, the smell of the grass, the roars of the crowd, the food and the beer.

Have you ever noticed how beer tastes better outside? Whether it is on a porch of a Buffalo Wild Wings or on your own porch when you’re grilling, beer just tastes better outside. Beer at a ball park is a whole new…well, ball game. It’s like fizzy, liquid sex in a an over-priced collectable plastic cup!

I’ll ignore asteroids. I’ll ignore contract disputes. I’ll try no to mind so much when I have to pay $20 to park. I’ll just pretend that Big League Baseball is its Ideal Platonic Form. I hope for a bunt, although it won’t be likely since it is an American League game. I’m hoping for a squeeze play. I’m hoping to get an opportunity to explain to my wife the Infield Fly Rule. I’m hoping a fly ball lands in my beer! Just kidding about that. I will protect my beer!

Thank you, Plato.

Play ball!

Have you read my blog today?

When I see people are reading my blog, it makes me feel like I have to blog more. I feel a responsibility to my readers. So, I’m asking you to do something for my blog readers. That’s just like doing something for yourself, only you’re also doing something for others. That’s generally considered a good trait on Mildred, unless you are an elected official.

Please. Even if you only save one reader of El Guapo’s blog, it will be worth it. Please pass along my blog to other people—preferably ones that can read. That will make me feel obligated to blog even more, which will nurture and ever-increasing number El Guapo’s blog readers. Do it of yourself. Do it for America. Do it for Mildred.

This message paid for by the Make Pretty More Beautiful Initiative.

Friday, April 04, 2008

More on Nothing

I haven’t mentioned nothing in a while. The last time was here.

If I weren't not doing anything, I'd make it a point to do nothing.

Since I’m here though, I’ll go ahead and write a new post. I enter today’s post with the same intention I’ve entered almost every other post. I intend to write an intelligent, thought-provoking post that will both move and educate you and move you to educate yourself about movement.

As I strike the first few keys of my trusty keyboard keys, I realize that I’ve got nothing. Wasn’t it Robert Newhouse who once said, “Good intentions are like leading a horse to hell”? I may be paraphrasing just a bit, if not completely fabricating a falsehood, but the important thing is that you are moved and enlightened.

Did I mention enlightenment? I meant to say “enlighten” instead of “educate,” but don’t quote me on that.

I can’t decide which my favorite food is: pizza or chili. According to the Wall Street Journal, this post puts me at just over 10,000 posts. I may be exaggerating just a bit, if not completely lying, but the important thing is that I’ve got nothing.

Can someone please explain to me how I make it a point, day in and day out, every other day, to take a little time to write about nothing? How is it that I am able to write so much about so little? How much time have I wasted? How many words have I typed? Is rain happy? How many KBs of web server space have I used up with nothing?

I intend to get to the bottom of this. I am going to add it to the top of my list…somewhere near item number 3 or 4…somewhere below my top priority, which is to compose what I like to call a “To Do” list.

So with that knowledge, I encourage you to create a whole new world for yourself and go take it on. You can’t call your new world Mildred though. That name is taken. Grab your new world that you didn’t name Mildred by the tail and swing it around like a stray cat. I don’t mean a real stray cat. I mean a strictly proverbial stray cat. Like the one that lives in the ditch outside the courthouse in your back yard.

Now, go in peace.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Today, I am more back than ever

For the third or tenth time in possibly ever, I am back. It’s difficult to not take time off. Time off from blogging always makes its way on to my “To Do” list…mostly because I don’t have a “To Do” list. That list is constantly updated with things I didn’t know were on it. All the things that I think are on it get moved down the page to where I can’t see it on the monitor. If I can’t see it, I’m not thinking about it.

Which reminds me, what was I not thinking about? I can’t remember.

I sincerely apologize to all of you who have checked back every day for the past 11 months only to find that I’m nowhere to be found. Believe me, I looked everywhere, and I wasn’t there. I couldn’t find me, so I understand how you could not. Unless you did, then I’m angry at you for not telling me.

I’ve reached that point where what I’m typing sounds stupid even to me, so until next time….which will be sooner than the last next time: Keep up the Good!

Check back in 15 minutes for my next post. If nothing is new yet, try back in another 15 minutes. Eventually your patience will pay off!

Until next time: See above.