Monday, August 25, 2008

My Mind Is Losing Me

My Mind is Losing Me

Do you have have one of those days in which just can't figure out anything? Today is like that for me.

Nothing makes sense. I seem to be baffled by everything. I can't keep up. Furthermore, other than trying to figure out the nature of this phenomenon, I'm not all that interested in my inability to function as person who works somewhere. This must be what those soccer moms cruising Southlake Town Square feel like. If I could only convince myself that the world revolves around me and my BMW, I'd be at total peace....except for all these kids here dressed in grunge attite. I am SO over Grunge.

Killer is me.

What was that horrible noise? Anyway back to me.

I don't even remember what I was talking about, which brings my to my desired destination: A nice, short blog post about me.

Now, go in Peace.

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