Thursday, March 10, 2005

Life’s big, little questions all the time…

A friend of mine asked me a very interesting question this morning:

“What have I forgotten that I don't remember I knew?”

It really made me think again. What has each of us forgotten that we don’t remember we knew? Ya know? I would say quite a bit. In fact, I’ve already forgotten what I am writing about. That assumes that I knew what I am writing about. Forgetting what I am writing about has made question lately if I ever knew what I am writing about. I look back on the last few moments of my life, moments through which I have lived in the past and now, and I ask myself, “Did I really forget?” Did I ever really remember in the first place? Have I ever remembered, or have I forgotten and re-remembered several times over.

I was once told that I know more about forgetting than I’d ever know. I still don’t know what that means. Or maybe I knew what it meant, but I have forgotten and don’t remember that I once knew. Do you see where this is headed? I hope so, and I hope it helps you too.

I’d like to especially thank you thanks make to Heather for posing such a think-maker question!

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