Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I've been fighting a headache all day

I guess I haven't really been fighting it so much as just wishing it would go away. Sometimes wishing is like fighting. Maybe not. But if it were, then I might be getting somewhere. Either that or I'd be wishing the hell out of someone. Maybe that's just wishful thinking. Or thinkful wishing. Either. You pick. Don't pick!

Speaking of getting somewhere, is it time to go yet? Today has gone by pretty fast for such a quiet day, but not fast enough.

Speaking of fast enough…I got nothing for fast enough.

I tried spaghetti, Dr. Pepper, Caramello, a bite of Snickers and typing. None of those things helped my head. I’m not sure how much it has to do with not wanting to be at work, but that’s my bet. I can’t even think of anything interesting for my blog. Can you imagine how I must feel? Me neither.

Either way, I would suggest that you, dear reader of “I’ve Come to Save the World from Me,” ignore today’s entry. Look back over the previous days’ entries. The gay one was good. The questions one was good too. This one just stinks like high Hell all the way to Mexico on a Friday night.

OH, great. As if the headache wasn’t enough, now I have to pee. What’s that about? Anywho, maƱana I’m thinking of being awake. If so, tomorrow’s post should be one the of the best, if not the best post, that I post all day!!

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