Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Great Debate

Here in the age of morning after pills, Iraqi freedom and ‘roided up prima-donnas (ster-, not hemmor-), there arises another important debate: Collars up or down?

I feel it my civil duty to offer a few thoughts on the debate, so I’ll start right in with the collar up crowd.

You look like a doofus. You are obviously TRYING to be cool. Cool is a rather simple concept that has been made difficult. I will explain. You either are, or you are not. If you have to put forth effort towards being cool, then it more than likely isn't working.

Keep trying though! Good luck. Idiot.

For the collar down crowd. Why are you wearing a polo shirt? They are not cool. They are preppy. They are rich, dumb-ass frat boy. Stop trying to be cool. It isn’t working. In case you have forgotten, read above.

For those who are all bound up about the whole thing. Who cares? Fashion should be left to women. Any guy who is concerned with fashion was robbed in life. He should have been born a woman, and now he lives a life of gender confusion. It makes me sad. Not really.

Did I mention who cares?

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