Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Total Eclipse of the Sun

I just read on MSN that sometime today a Total Eclipse of the sun is going to strike Mildred.

Are you prepared for this invasion? I had hoped for more time to stockpile bottled water and build my immune system. If I had know it were striking so soon, I would have got an Eclipse shot.

From what I understand, this particular Total Eclipse of the sun is not only extremely powerful, but it has an unending source of energy. Yes. It is completely Solar Powered. This is far worse than I ever feared.

Have you seen ads for “Basis Instinct 2?” Sharon Stone looks REALLY good!

The Eclipse has already blinded hundreds of children in Accra, Ghana, extending from Brazil to Mongolia. Might this destroy my favorite chicken?

Truly, on this day, the sky has fallen, and his name is Total Eclipse of the Sun.

What kind of name is “the Sun” anyways?

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