Friday, May 27, 2005

Asterisks in the yesterday’s blog question answer

I added asterisks in the previous question answer, because they refer to interesting fun facts that are too tangential for that particular, yet highly individual, post.

The single asterisk, a.k.a. *, is because MS Word was trying to change my grammar to "Since you didn’t, neither will me." That would sound stupid, and as we all now; I am rarely, if ever, stupid.

The double asterisk, something I personally like to call **, refers to an as yet unposted post that I will post later.

Not now. Later. Be patient. It’s not like this blog is my entire life, ya know. Ungrateful grot.

So there you are now have it and good.

The Doctor is out.

Just kidding. I’m in.

Now I’m out.

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