Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Welcome to Hell.

Not being one to miss out on any bandwagon, I've mulled the blog thing over and over in my little mind now for several months. I can resist the temptation no longer.

The thing with blogs is that the blogger should have something interesting to say, otherwise the blogger just has another few megabytes of server space wasted on vanity.

I'd like to first thank blogger.com for providing me with the server space which I will waste on my vanity. In a completely unrelated bout of gratitude, I'd like to thank my friends
Ryan and Scott for providing just that push of inspiration I needed to sign up for this free and useful service.

I started this thing just in time to leave town for a few days. I'll get back to let you know how everything goes....as if anyone cares.

Have a good weekend amigas and amigos.


A Triple K said...

from a girl who constantly posts about her boring day and how bored she is, a blog is NOT a waste if you don't have anything interesting to say!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shayne, Heather (the Toronto one) here!

Happy 1st blogday to you! For your amusement, here is the dullest blog in the world: http://www.wibsite.com/wiblog/dull/

shayne said...

Is it at all interesting to anyone else that I get two comments that are as immediate as they are unexpected, and both are from Canadians! Not only that, but both comments come with links to extremely dull blogs.

How Do to my Canadian friend, Heather! She's a very lovely and gifted singer/songwriter. Thanks for stopping by.

Karen, I wish you weren't so bored. Like some pseudo-punk band's songs said though, "If you're bored, then you're boring." If there is anything I can help you with...well, I really can't help. Still, thanks for stopping by. Please do so any time!