Thursday, May 05, 2005

On Being So Much Real Bad Busy

I never knew being so busy could be such a good source of material. Sure it prevents me from posting all the blog topics I’ve been promising, but that is not the point.

If I keep writing about how busy I am, I’ll never finish the mountainous pile of tasks on which I claim to be busy. If I never finish the mountainous pile of tasks, I’ll always be too busy to write anything.

If I don’t stop writing, I’ll NEVER run out of anything to write!

Sooner or later, I will got my world-famous, unfinished stereotypes post. I will tell you the story of the crazy lady at work. I’ll answer some more Ask Shayne questions. I plan to work very hardly to get you the Daily Hangdog tomorrow though, because tomorrow is the most important tomorrow since yesterday, or maybe even day after tomorrow in different time zones. If you don’t believe me, just hang around until tomorrow.

Until tomorrow…

Or yesterday….

maybe sooner...

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