Thursday, February 24, 2005

Where go?

I begin typing these first few words with no idea where this is headed. A brilliant blog post idea popped into my head day before yesterday just as I was leaving work. That thought, along with many others, is long since gone.

I apologize now for the time you may waste reading this.

That's how this blog world works though. You post frequently or no one ever hears of you. Thus, I'm typing out pretty much nothing as quickly as I can, because I just want to get out of here. I should feel guilty for wasting web space on vanity. I've just "next blogged" through about 10 other people who also have nothing to say, yet posted it anyway.

So here is where I arrive. I have three tidbits of advice:

1. Don't be a blogger. 99% of them, including this one, are wastes of time and space.

2. Stop being so stupid all the time.

3. Do something nice for someone.

Until next year,



blanca said...

....well, aren’t you just a ray of f'ing sunshine!

shayne said...

rack off....

love me?
